Wednesday May 15, 2024

S3E10 - Past and Present

Bad news, everyone here has Amnesia. Who are we? What are we doing? What is a Stargate? Why have I been eating all this tuna (Joke about Mei and Kiana goes here), Why is the hot doctor lady who's doing experiments on me really familiar.

For those of you who don't have amnesia, or do not have brain worms that have eaten 1/3 of your brain. It's time for a follow up to an episode from over a series ago. Who, what, where, when why? I forgot I have amnesia..

Elswhere some writers OC Daniel Get'sLaid is going through his tumblr phase, as he decides to replace his old favourite, his wife (Destiel) with a new lady (SuleMio) as my man undergoes the shortest greiving period known to mammalia, as a new (old) woman enters his life.

Anyway after all those amuse bouches, you can all have a little ego death as a treat.


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Sierra Frost


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